1.)" At the level of state educational policy, it is noteworthy that no state currently recognizes gays and lesbians as legitimate minority or cultural groups to be considered in textbook adoption or to be included in multicultural education; and a number of states explicitly prohibit teaching about homosexuality.”
I never actually was aware how much schools disregard homosexuality. I think it could actually be beneficial to students. Gay students would realize it’s okay, and not be so ashamed or scared to be who they truly are. For other students it would be helpful by making them more aware and less sheltered about this topic. I believe that schools should be more open to this “reality.”
2.) “He argued that homosexual teachers represented a danger to their students since "nothing seems more certain than that homosexuality is contagious."
This is ridiculous, I believe that they should be looking more at his teaching abilities and be less concerned about his sexual preferences. How could homosexuality possibly be contagious when you’re born with it? If I had a teacher who was lesbian, I could never grow or learn to like females unless I truly was lesbian. You are who you are and having a gay teacher wouldn’t ever change that it may just make you more open to new ways.
3.)"We cannot and should not attempt to impose "politically correct" beliefs on students; but we have a responsibility as public educators in a democratic society to engage them in a dialogue in which all voices get heard or represented and in which gay students and teachers feel free to "come out" and find their own voices."
I believe this is saying that as future teachers we need to be open minded. We need to let students know that there is such a thing as homosexuality and it is okay to be yourself. It is okay to be unique because students can vibe off one another. As educators our job is to inform and help students about these rights, but I also believe it’s not a teacher’s job to help gays find and discover themselves.
Overall, I like this article by Dennis Carlson. I think it helps to make us more aware of these situations. Students should be taught about homosexuality rather than act like it doesn’t exist. It definitely would benefit students of all sexuality to be more open minded and aware. Also, I believe that preventing gay teachers is insane. It has nothing to do with teaching. Who knows gay teachers may even have a better connection with students.
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